Articles in this category 7. (1) within thirty days 7. (1) Subject to the proviso to sub-section (2) of secti within 48 hours Provided that where the information sought for concerns the life or liberty of a person,the same shall be provided within forty-eight hours of the receipt of the request. 7(2) deemed to have refused (2) If the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer,as the case may be, fails to give decision on the request for informa 7(3) payment (3) Where a decision is taken to provide the information on payment of anyfurther fee representing the cost of providing the information, the Central P 7(4) - assistance to sensorily disabled (4) Where access to the record or a part thereof is required to be provided underthis Act and the person to whom access is to be provided is sensorily 7(5) payment of fees (5) Where access to information is to be provided in the printed or in anyelectronic format, the applicant shall, subject to the provisions of sub-sect 7(6) fees waived after time limit (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5), the person making 7(7) Third party Info (7) Before taking 7(8) Communicating the Rejection (8) Where a request has been rejected under sub-section (1), the Central Public 7(9) form of information (9) An information shall ordinarily be provided in the form in which it is soughtunless it would disproportionately divert the resources of the