What are the activities of the PO during post hearing stage? - submit the written brief

20. What are the activities of the PO during post hearing stage? After the hearing is over, PO is required to submit the written brief. The purpose of the brief is to establish, by relying on the evidence produced in the inquiry that the charge stands proved.

21. What is the format for the brief of the PO? There is no prescribed format for the brief of the PO. The following format is suggested for the purpose: a. Introduction b. Details of the charges leveled c. Proceedings during the Preliminary Hearing: How was inspection of documents conducted; how many documents were disputed by the CO; how many documents were taken on record by the IO and how many were to be introduced through oral evidence; what were the documents and witnesses demanded by the CO for the purpose of his/her defence. d. Proceedings during the regular hearings; how many witnesses were led from each side; whether any new evidence was introduced during the hearing; e. Opportunities given to the CO: appointment of Defence Assistant; adjournments demanded and granted; documents and oral witnesses demanded and allowed, etc. f. Case of the Disciplinary Authority: the Charge-facts-evidence co-relation g. Evidence on behalf of the Disciplinary Authority h. Evidence on behalf of the CO i. Analysis of the Evidence presented by the parties. j. Conclusion