Reasons for rejection of requests for information must be clearly provided (Section 8(1) of the RTI Act)


In the case of Dhananjay Tripathi vs. Banaras Hindu University (Decision No. CIC / OK / A/ 00163, dated 7.7.2006), the applicant had applied for information relating to the treatment and subsequent death of a student in the University hospital due to alleged negligence of the doctors attending him. The appellant was, however, denied the information by the PIO of the University saying that the information sought could not be provided under Section 8(1)(g) of the RTI Act. No further reasons as to how the information sought could not be provided under the RTI Act was given.


The Commission held that quoting the provisions of Section 8(1) of the RTI Act to deny the information without giving any justification or grounds as to how these provisions are applicable is simply not acceptable, and clearly amount to malafide denial of legitimate information. The public authority must provide reasons for rejecting the particular application. The Commission further held that not providing the reasons of how the application for information was rejected according to a particular provision of the Act would attract penalties under Section 20(1) of the Act.