RTI on harassment of Bus named “Robin” Registration Number KL65 R 5999

Application as per section 6 and 7(1) of RTI Act 2005

(please provide the information by email within 48 hours)


Dominic Simon

C/o Claramma Simon

Valiyil Puthenpurayil

Palackattumala PO

Vallichira, Kerala, India-686635


email: simondominic@gmail.com

 Subject:  harassment of Bus named “Robin” Registration Number KL65 R 5999

Urgency: Violation of Right to Life of passengers and citizen and entrepreneur.

Period of information requested: 17 November 2023 Till date of Reply


1.      How many times the Kerala State officers inspected or checked the vehicle.

a.      For each inspection/checking, kindly provide the following

                                        i.      Start Time

                                      ii.      End Time

                                   iii.      Employee IDs of officers participated.

                                    iv.      List of Violations recorded.

                                      v.      Amounts collected and reason.

                                    vi.      Call records of mobiles of officers during the time of inspection

                                 vii.      Summary/transcript of communications, calls etc. during this inspection.

                              viii.      Video footage of inspection

                                    ix.      List of passengers at start of inspection.

                                      x.      List of passengers when vehicle released.

                                    xi.      Number of women passengers

                                 xii.      Number of citizens above age of 60

                              xiii.      Number of Sick or heart patient passengers.

                               xiv.      Whether medical check of passengers done

                                  xv.      Whether any water or food was provided for passengers.

                               xvi.      copy of the reports and annexures, action taken regarding each inspection

                            xvii.      reason for inspection (how the inspection was planned or as per whose instruction or complaint inspection was done)

2.     Whether the officers were liable to honor orders of supreme court especially order dated 14-07-2023 in WP(C) 638/2023

3.     Whether the officers were liable to honor orders of High court of Kerala especially order dated 17-11-2023 in WP(C) 38261/2023

4.     Whether the officers received any instruction from anyone to ignore the orders of courts.

5.     List of other vehicles of the class “Bus” or similar inspected, violations recorded, actions taken, during this period.


1.     As the requested information is urgently required to secure the life and liberty of passengers, employees, and entrepreneurs, kindly provide the information within 48 hours, as per section 7(1) of RTI act.

2.     Please provide all information in English Language

3.     If possible, please send the information by email to simondominic@gmail.com

4.     If a hard copy is sent by postal/courier service, please intimate the Tracking Number by email.  As per the decision of the Central Information Commission in CIC/SG/A/2011/002704/16353 Date 15-12-2011 kindly send all communications by speed post.

5.     If any information is not available in the requested format, please provide a copy of existing records from which the information can be obtained /derived to the maximum.

6.      If the PIO deems fit to apply any of the exemptions of section 8, kindly provide detailed explanation how the exemption is attracted to each piece of information.

7.     I hereby declare that I am citizen of India and seeking the information as a citizen of India.

Date: 19-11-2023