supervision of welfare homes

Application as per Right To Information Act 2005




Public Information Officer

Social Welfare Department







Mobile Number :

Email : 


The applicant undersigned is a citizen of India and request that the following information be furnished urgently Under Right to Information act , 2005

Please provide all documents and files in a CD/DVD or optical disk

Please provide all information regarding old age homes, welfare homes, homes for differently abled etc. under your area of  jurisdiction for the past one year. 

1. List of old age homes, welfare homes etc, license number, capacity, occupancy as per latest reports, type of occupants ( old age, differently abled etc. ), whether occupant types are approved by orphanage control board. 

2. List of inspections conducted at each organization , date of inspections, officer conducting the inspection, list of violations detected, action taken

3. List of staff in each old age home, qualification, designation

4. List of complaints received against each and action taken

5. please provide copy of inspection reports and audit reports of each organization for the past  5 years. 

6. List of payments and assistance provided to each organization from Social welfare department. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Signature : 


