Articles in this category What is preliminary investigation 1. What is preliminary investigation? Preliminary investigation, also known as Fact Finding Inquiry, is the process of checking the veracity of a complaint. 2. What is the purpose of preliminary inves... various options for conducting Preliminary Investigation? 3. What are the various options for conducting Preliminary Investigation? Preliminary Investigation may be carried out either departmentally or through Police authorities. 4. What are the cases which ... steps involved in conducting preliminary Investigation 10. What are the steps involved in conducting preliminary Investigation? Following steps may be helpful for conduct of preliminary investigation: (a) Study and analyse the complaint. (b) List the fact... Does the failure to contact the suspected public servant amount to violation of the principles of natural justice? 11. Does the failure to contact the suspected public servant amount to violation of the principles of natural justice? As the purpose of preliminary investigation is to ascertain truth there is no nee... contacting officials of other department while conducting preliminary investigation 12. What to do if a need arises for contacting officials of other department while conducting preliminary investigation? In such an eventuality, the investigation officer may seek the assistance of th... examining documents of non-official organization or to collect evidence from non-official persons 13. What to do if a need arises for examining documents of non-official organization or to collect evidence from non-official persons? In such an eventuality, further investigation should be entrusted... What attributes will make a successful preliminary investigation officer? What attributes will make a successful preliminary investigation officer? (a) Knowledge – of not only the rules and regulations but also practices and procedures pertaining to the organization and pre... components of the report of the preliminary investigation 15. What are the components of the report of the preliminary investigation? (a) Introduction: [e.g.: The undersigned was directed vide order No. ……. Dated …. of ….. to carry out preliminary investigat... time limit for completion of preliminary investigation What is time limit for completion of preliminary investigation? CVC expects preliminary investigation to be completed within three months