CBSE has no role to play untill grade 9

W.P.(C) 3071/2020
Page 4 of 3010.

On behalf of CBSE, Mr. Ashok Kumar, ld. counsel submits that he
reiterates the submissions of the school. He further submits that insofar as
CBSE is concerned, it has no role whatsoever, prior to 9th standard. Reliance
is placed on Regulation 7.1 and 7.2 of the CBSE Regulations to argue that
the school is primarily run by the local Government where the school is
located, until the eighth grade. It is only for admissions in the ninth grade
and thereafter that the CBSE plays a role. He thus submits that in the present
case, CBSE has no role to play and he also reaffirms the schools
submission that the present writ petition cannot be entertained by the Delhi
High Court