RTI on Encroachment of Drainages canals , lakes and Rivers

Application as per Right To Information Act 2005

Date : 


Public Information Officer

Department of Irrigation/Panchayath/Municipality/Corporation





Mobile Number :


The applicant undersigned is a citizen of India and request that the following information be furnished urgently Under Right to Information act , 2005

Please provide all information regarding encroachment  of  rivers, lakes, canals and drainages under your jurisdiction in past 5 years

1. List of  Length of rivers , lakes, canals and drainages under your jurisdiction as per latest survey

2. List of  area of rivers , lakes, canals and drainages under your jurisdiction as per latest survey

3. Change in Area rivers , lakes, canals and drainages under your jurisdiction compared to the previous survey

4. list Action taken to deter and prevent encroachment of rivers and drainages

5. List of Encroachments noticed and action taken to remove encroachment

6. list of  complaints received regarding encroachments and action taken

7. list of funds allocated for above operations, maintenance  and expenses and funds spent

please provide copy of documents requested above in a CD/DVD

Yours Sincerely, 

Signature : 

