politica! neutrality

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SERVICES-B) DEPARTMENT SIt{tUJetl No. 131 59215D2/79IGAD. Dated)Trivandruin, 5th Decembe, 1.979. Sub:—Government Servants' Conduct Rules—Maintenance of politica! neutrality. Rules 61 and 67 to 71 qf the Kerala Government Servants' Conduct Rules 1960 impose certain restrictions on Government Servants' taking part in politics and elections and also in organising, taking part, addressing or occupying a prominent pOsition at any non-official meeting or conference. In order to dispel any doubt regarding the scope of the restrictions in the above rules and to avoid instances of participation or involvement by Government servants in meetings and demonstration organised by political parties, it is hereby clarified that taking active part by a Government servant in, a meeting or demonstration having any political character organised by political parties, enlisting public servants and using public utility facilities for rallies ill support of any political party, arranging transport for bringing crowds for such purposes, etc., would contravene the provisions in the Kerala Government Servants' Conduct Rules as such actions amount to assisting a political movement. It would, therefore be' in the interest of Government employees - themselves to desist from such activities. G. BHA5KARAN NAIR, Chief Secretary.