Independence and impartiality in the discharge of their duties.
(1A) Integrity of Government servants holding responsible posts – Independence and impartiality in the discharge of their duties.
Both the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1954 and the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 lay down inter alia that Government servants should, at all times, maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty. It is, in fact, axiomatic that Government servants especially those holding positions of trust and responsibility, should not only be honest and impartial in the discharge of their official duties but also have the reputation of being so. The Planning Commission have also referred to this matter in Chapter VI of the First Five Year Plan. They have observed that in their social relations and dealings, those holding responsible posts should ensure that there is no ground or occasion to suggest that some individuals have greater access or influence with them than others. Government have no doubt that their officers fully appreciate the need for maintaining a high standard of integrity and impartiality and ensuring as far as it lies in their power that their behaviour gives no room for any possible suggestions to the contrary. It is however, requested that these observations should be specifically brought to the notice of all concerned and steps should be taken to include them in the teaching given at training institutions under the Ministry of Finance etc.
[MHA OM No. 41/2/55, dated 23.04.1955]