RTI on Water bodies and wet lands

Application as per Right To Information Act 2005

Date : 


Public Information Officer





Mobile Number :


The applicant undersigned is a citizen of India and request that the following information be furnished urgently Under Right to Information act , 2005

Please provide all information regarding Water bodies and wetlands under your jurisdiction in past 5 Years

1. Current list of area  of water bodies and wetlands under your jurisdiction

2.  list of area  of water bodies and wetlands under your jurisdiction as per records older than 5 years

3. How much area of waterbodies was decreased or increased in 5 years

4. How much area of Wet Lands was decreased or increased in 5 years

5. Whether any officer conducted any inspection or supervision of water bodies and wetlands under govt ownership in the recent past, please provide date of inspection, status and report of inspection

6. Whether any fund was allocated in past 5 years for  maintenance of water bodies and wetlands, please provide list for funds and description

7. list of expenses for past five years for maintenance of water bodies and wetlands

8. list of incomes or royalties from above operations

Yours Sincerly, 

Signature : 

