RTI regarding List of expenses due to a disaster
1. To,
3. Office ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Subject: - Paid application form under Section 2(j)(3) and section 6 of Right to Information Act-2005 .
5. Context/Incident: Information / documents related to ………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… . During …………………………………… of year
6. Sir,
7. I humbly request you under the above subject and context , to provide me the following information .
1. List of major activities undertaken to mitigate the incident
2. a. How many rupees was spent to mitigate this incident.
2. b. Please provide item wise expenditure.
3. List of expenses yet to be paid
4. List of accounts / heads and amount spent from each
I have Paid fee of Rs.10/- for the application under Section 2(j)(3) of the Right to Information Act- 2005 the Court fee Stamp / Indian Postal Order No.-................................ .
10. Date: ---------
12. Applicant
13.Attached : court Fee Stamp / Indian Postal Order No .:-