Articles in this category

Who is Disciplinary Authority
What are the kinds of Disciplinary Authorities?
What are the powers and responsibilities of the Disciplinary Authorities?
relationship between Appointing Authority and Disciplinary Authority
How to decide the Appointing Authority
What should be the over-all approach of the Disciplinary Authority?
How to find out who is the Disciplinary Authority
What are the functions of the Disciplinary Authority
action without jurisdiction would be rendered null and void.
knowledge is required for the efficient discharge of the duties in conducting disciplinary proceedings
precautions are to be taken while visiting the employee with adverse career impact
features between Major and Minor Penalties
Can the authority who is competent only to impose minor penalty, initiate proceedings for imposition of major penalty
At what level the decision to initiate the proceedings is taken in respect of the cases wherein the President is the Disciplinary Authority?
What is the position of the cases where the President is the Appointing Authority?