Bharat bhushan Khulbe Vs Canteen Stores Dept.


Bharat bhushan Khulbe Vs Canteen Stores Dept. in

Held that.

At   the   outset   it   is   adequately   clarified   that   in   the   present   matter,   the Commission is not adjudicating upon the status of URC vis-à-vis the RTI Act. In view of the facts of the present case, it is relevant to bring out the provisions of Section 2(j) and 2(f) of the RTI Act which clearly stipulates that:

Section   2(j) - “.... “right   to   information”   means   the   right   to information accessible  under  this  Act  which  is  held  by  or  under  the  control  of  any  public authority and includes the right to — ...........”

Section  2(f) - “....“information”  means  any  material  in  any  form,  including records,   documents,   memos,   e - mails,   opinions,   advices,   press   releases, circulars,  orders,  logbooks,  contracts,  reports,  papers,  samples,  models,  data material  held  in  any  electronic  form  and information  relating  to  any  private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force ...”

When the said two Sections are read together it becomes essentially clear that the  RTI  Application  of  the  Appellant  has  to  be  construed  in  the  spirit  of  the aforementioned  provisions  of  the  Act.  It  is  emphasised  therefore  that  even  if hypothetically the CPIO’s claim of URC not being a public authority is conceded with,  fact  remains  that the  Appellant  has  sought  information  from  a public authority and not from URC, therefore the contention of the CPIO that URC is not a public authority will not apply to the merits of this case.

Further,  his  reliance on  Section  8(1)(a)  of  the  RTI  Act  is  summarily  rejected  as the same is untenable in the facts of the present matter.

In  view  of  the  aforesaid,  CPIO  is  directed  to  provide  information  to  the Appellant  pertaining  to  the  RTI  Application which  is  available  with  him  or which  he  can  access from URC .  Commission’s  direction  should  be  complied within 15 days of the receipt of this order.

File No. CIC/SD/A/2016/000018