LPA 764/2011 titled Ankur Mutreja v. Delhi University
The Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in judgment dated 9 th January, 2012 in LPA 764/2011 titled
Ankur Mutreja v. Delhi University held that;
a). the Act does not provide for the CIC to, in the penalty proceedings, hear the
information seeker, though there is no bar also thereagainst if the CIC so desires;
b). that the information seeker cannot as a matter of right claim audience in the
penalty proceedings which are between the CIC and the erring information officer;
c). there is no provision in the Act for payment of penalty or any part thereof
imposed/recovered from the erring information officer to the information seeker;
d). the penalty proceedings are akin to contempt proceedings, the settled position
wherein is that after bringing the facts to the notice of the Court, it becomes a matter
between the Court and the contemnor and the informant or the relator does not
become a complainant or petitioner in contempt proceedings.