(5) Payment of family pension payable to a minor to the de facto guardian on production of Indemnity Bond.
(5) Payment of family pension payable to a minor to the de facto guardian on production of Indemnity Bond. - 1. Decision No. (4) under Rule 51 was made applicable to family pension payable to the minor under Ministry of Finance, O.M. No. F. 9 (18)-E. V(A)/65, dated 28-9-65 (not mentioned). 2. The death/retirement gratuity is paid in lump sum. It is, therefore, easy to specify the amount for which the indemnity bond is to be executed be the de facto guardian. Family Pension is, however, payable monthly and also for the period till the minor attains the age of 18 years or the date of marriage in the case of a daughter. Doubts are therefore likely to arise whether the limit of Rs. 5,000 (now Rs. 10,000) applies also in the case of family pension and for what amount the indemnity bond should be executed. It is clarified - (1) that the limit of Rs. 5,000 (now Rs. 10,000) fixed in the case of death/retirement gratuity applies also to the family pension payable to the minor under the above quoted orders. (2) the indemnity bond for payment of family pension is to be executed for Rs. 5,000 (now Rs. 10,000) or to the total amount of family pension payable to the minor till the date of attainment of majority, i.e., till the age of 18 years, whichever is less. (3) in case where total amount of family pension payable to a minor till he/she becomes major exceeds Rs. 5,000 (now Rs. 10,000) the payment of the family pension to the de facto guardian under the indemnity bond would be made till such time the total amount of family pension paid does not exceed Rs. 5,000 (now Rs. 10,000). Thereafter, the family pension can be paid to the de facto guardian on production of guardianship certificate only. If no guardianship certificate is produced, the arrears of family pension can be paid to the minor only after he/she attains the age of 18 years. [D.G., P. & T., Letter No. 4/34/74-Pen., dated the 20th January, 1975, amended.]