Family Pension shall be at a uniform rate of 30% of pay last drawn.

(23). Family Pension shall be at a uniform rate of 30% of pay last drawn. -Family Pension shall be calculated at a uniform rate of 30% of basic pay in all cases instead of slab system and shall be, subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,275 per month and a maximum of 30% of highest pay in the Government. (The highest pay in the Government is Rs. 30,000 since 1-1-1996. Rule 54 (2) relating to Family Pension, 1964 under Pension Rules shall stand modified to this extent and the existing table thereunder will be no longer operative. The revised Provisions as per these orders shall apply to Government servants who retire/die in harness on or after 1-1- 1996. [ G.I., Dept of Pen. & P.W., O.M. No. F. 45/86/97-P. & P.W. (A), Part-I, dated the 27th October, 1997, Para. 7.1 ]