Head of Office should ensure that retiring person gets his provisional pension in time.
(4) Head of Office should ensure that retiring person gets his provisional pension in time. - Rule 64 stipulates that Head of Office is empowered to sanction provisional pension and gratuity for a period of six months to a retiring employee, if he is of the opinion that the Government servant is likely to retire before his pension and gratuity or both can be finally assessed. The Study Team has observed that this option has not been exercised at all in many cases and the retiring person could not get his pension in time due to one or the other objection. In this connection, attention is also invited to Decision (3) above, whereby Heads of Departments/Offices were made accountable for strict compliance of Government orders for issuing authorization of Pension and Gratuity, provisional or final, at the date of retirement on superannuation. [G.I., Dept. of Pen. & P.W., O.M. No. 38/116/93-P. & P.W. (F), dated the 2nd May, 1994. - Para. 9]