Regulation of claims to pension or family pension

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Regulation of claims to pension or family pension
(1) Any claim to pension or family pension shall be regulated by the provisions of these rules in force at
the time when a Government servant retires or is retired or is discharged or is allowed to resign from service
or dies, as the case may be.
(2) The day on which a Government servant retires or is retired or is discharged or is allowed to resign
from service, as the case may be, shall be treated as his last working day. The date of death shall also be
treated as a working day :
2Provided that in the case of a Government servant who is retired prematurely or who retires voluntarily
under Clauses (j) to (m) of Rule 56 of the Fundamental Rules or Rule 48 3
[or Rule 48-A], as the case may
be, the date of retirement shall be treated as a non-working day.
Footnote ; 1. Substituted by G.I., M.F., Notification No. 7 (1)-E. V. (A)/74, dated the 7th February, 1975.
 2. Inserted by G.I., M.F., Notification No. 7 (8)-E. V. (A)/77, dated the 22nd August, 1977.
 3. Inserted by G.I., Dept. of Per. & A.R., Notification No. 31 (4)-Pen./80, dated the 21st April,