Legal notice to encroacher


The MD, CSML -


The Secretary, Kochi Municipal Corporation - 



Subject: Illegal Construction by Kochi Municipal Corporation and CSML in Chilavanoor Lake near DLF in Ward 52. 

Reference 1 - Chilavannor Lake Encroachment List submitted by Fort Kochi RDO to High Court of Kerala. Serial No. 101. 

Reference 2 - Stop Memo Issued by Poonithura Village Officer in 2019.

The Kochi Municipal Corporation and CSML have commenced illegal constructions in Survey No. 1473, Poonithura Village. Survey No. 1473 is backwater Lake. This encroachment to an extent of 66.67 cents is listed as serial no. 101 in reference 1 attached herewith, which is the Chilavannor backwater encroachment survey sketch and list submitted by Fort Kochi RDO to High Court of Kerala. 

Kochi Municipal Corporation had attempted illegal construction with KMRL in the same location in 2019. The Village Officer issued a stop memo and the activity was stopped in 2019 as per the reference 2 stop memo. Now, the crime is being repeated by Kochi Municipal Corporation, this time with CSML as the front organisation.

As the secretary of Kochi Municipal Corporation and as MD of CSML you are personally liable for this illegal construction in the encroachment land purposely done to regularise the encroachment committed by DLF outside their building complex, into the backwater lake. 

You are required to immediately stop the illegal construction activity and restore the lake to its previous condition immediately at the said location. You are required to remove the construction waste, plastic waste and construction material dumped at the site. The construction done in the last week has to be demolished and removed immediately. Failing which, legal action will be initiated against you for the repeated crimes committed at the site by you.

Nipun Cherian

President, V4 Kochi


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