Application for taking photographs of documents
1. To,
3. Office ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Subject: - Paid application form under Section 2(j)(3) and section 6 of Right to Information Act-2005 .
5. Context: for taking photographs of documents related to ………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… .
6. Sir,
7. I humbly request you under the above subject and context that I ---------- ---------------------------------------- want to take photographs of documents in your office . I have Paid fee of Rs.10/- for the application under Section 2(j)(3) of the Right to Information Act- 2005 the Court fee Stamp / Indian Postal Order No.-................................ .
8. Allow me to take photographs of documents within the prescribed time period as per the rules and provisions.
9. Therefore, you are humbly requested to inform 7 days in advance, the time and place to take photographs of your office documents so that all the information as per the context is readily available for inspection.
10. Date: ---------
12. Applicant
13.Attached : court Fee Stamp / Indian Postal Order No .:-