Holding of demonstrations, slogan shoutings, 'gherao', etc., in office premises during office hours

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SS) DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR MEMORANDUM No. 47061/SSI/84/GAD. Dated, Trivandrum, 7th June, 1984. Sub:—Public Servants—Holding of demonstrations, slogan shoutings, 'gherao', etc., in office premises during office hours—Actiun to be taken—Orders issued. 'Si,] Re/f— 1. GO. (Ms.) 238/68/PD. dated 24-7-1968. Circular Memorandum No. 77305/SS/71/PD. dated 30-10-1971. Circular Memorandum No. 1 15477/SS 1/72/PD. Public (55) dated 28-11-1972. A recent instance in which a number of employees of various Departmental Offices housed in the Vikas Bhavan having resorted to demonstration during office hours has been brought to the notice of Government. It was found that proper steps were not taken to identify the employees who participated in the demonstration so as to deal with them under the Rules and orders. In the interest of maintenance of discipline and proper functioning of public offices, it is imperative that such tendencies on the part of Government employees are put an end to. 2. According to the orders cited, persons who indulge in holding demonstration within the office premises will make themselves liable for disciplinary action as well as prosecution apart from disentijlement to their pay and allowances for half a day or one days as the case may be depending upon the duration of the agitation. Besides the above orders the Government have in Circular Memorandum No. 32326/551/83/GAD, dated 19-5-1983 issued instructions to all Heads of Departments and Offices as to the action to be taken when employees resort to lightning strikes etc.; in the offices. Under these instructions, as soon as information is received about the lightning strike the senior most officer available in the Department or Office should on his own initiative secure the services of other senior officers in the Department or Office, make a physical verification of the attendance position in the office and a list of employees (by name) participating in the agitation during each session should be prepared. Demonstration by employees during office hours can be treated as lightning strike and action should be taken in accordance with the instructions. contained in the Circular. In the large office complexes like the Vikas Bhavan, Publiá Office Building, Civil Stations, etc., it is necessary that the officers of all the Departmental Offices functioning in the office complexes take simultaneous action so that none of the perpetrators of the action is allowed to go scot free. What is required is that whenever employees resort to lightning strike etc., including demonstrations during office hours, a physical verification of the attendance position should be conducted immediately and a record of absentees maintained. Action should be taken against all such absentees in accordance with the Rules and orders mentioned above. Those who have left the office without marking their movement in the Movement Register can reasonably be treated as having left for participating in the demonstration and necessary action taken against them in accordance with the Government orders. zu All Heads of Departments and Offices are informed that Government take a serious view against in action in the face of such demonstration by employees during office hours and that prompt action should be taken to identify the employees who resort to such action and the delinquent employees should proceeded against under the orders cited. The attention of all Government employees is also invited to the instructions issued by Government in the matter and they are advised not to resort to demonstration. etc., in the office premises during office hours. They are also warned that severe action will be taken against them for violation of these instructions. M. DANDAPANI, Commissioner and Secretaty.