The mention of more than one punishment in the show cause notice, does not violate the provisions of article 311(2) of the Constitution

2. The mention of more than one punishment in the show cause notice, does not violate the provisions of article 311(2) of the Constitution: - The Supreme Court has held in an appeal filed before them that the mention of more than one punishment in the show cause notice, does not violate the provisions of article 311(2) of the Constitution. On the contrary, it gives the Government servant a better opportunity to show cause against each of the punishments, proposed to be inflicted on him, which he would not 325 have had, if only the severest punishment had been mentioned and a lesser punishment, not mentioned in the notice, had been inflicted on him. [Hukum Chand Malhotra Vs. Un of India—G.I., M.H.A. F.No.7/6/59—AIS(I)] (3) [Deleted vide letter No. 11018/4/79—AIS(III), dated 26—6—79]