under rule 11(2), an opportunity should be given to the probationer

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA’S ORDERS UNDER RULE 6 323 1. Formal inquiry is not necessary in case of termination of probation, but if it is under rule 11(2), an opportunity should be given to the probationer: - Termination of employment of a probationer during or at the end of the period of probation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Indian Administrative Service/Indian Police Service (Probation) Rules, 1954, does not amount to removal or dismissal within the meaning of these rules and hence a formal inquiry in accordance with the procedure laid down in rule 5 is not necessary in such cases. If, however, a probationer is removed or dismissed on disciplinary grounds mentioned in rule 11(2) of Probation Rules he should be given an opportunity to show cause against the action proposed to be taken against him. (G.I., MHA letter No. 414/4/58—Estt.(A), dt. 14.10.58