expenditure incurred on repairs or minor construction work in respect of movable property.

(31) Provision regarding expenditure incurred on repairs or minor construction work in respect of movable property.

According to the existing provisions of Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, prior permission of the prescribed authority is required for transaction in immovable property with a person, who is having official dealings with the Government servant concerned. In other cases, only a prior intimation is to be given.

2. The instructions contained in this Department’s OM No. 25/21/57-Estt. (A), dated 18.12.1957 (decision 14)provide, inter-alia, that where the expenditure incurred on repairs or minor construction work in respect of any immovable property belonging to a Government servant is estimated to exceed Rs. 1,000/-, sanction of the prescribed authority is necessary. The provisions have been reviewed in the light of the amendments to Rule 18 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 carried out from time to time and it has been decided that in respect of the expenditure incurred on repairs and minor additions to an immovable property by a Government servant, an intimation shall be necessary to be given to the prescribed authority only if the estimate exceeds Rs. 10,000/-. However, prior sanction of the prescribed authority should be obtained in all cases regardless of amount involved, where the transaction regarding the material purchased or contract for such repairs or minor construction, is with a person with whom the Government servant concerned has official dealings.


[DOPT OM No. 11013/9/89-Estt.(A), dated 27.11.1990]