The more a person is popular in the society, he also carries more responsibility
In the High Court of Judicature at Madras
Reserved on :
Delivered on :
Coram :
The Honourable Mr.Justice N.ANAND VENKATESH
Crl.O.P.(MD) Nos.11494 & 12163 of 2018
Crl.O.P.Nos.5099 of 2019 & 6211 of 2021 &
all connected pending Crl.M.Ps.
S.Ve.Shekher ...Petitioner in
all the Crl.O.Ps.
1.Al.Gopalsamy, President,
10. We live in an era where social media has virtually taken over
the lives of every individual in the world. A message sent/forwarded in
the social media can reach the nook and corner of the world in no
time. The ability to communicate is one of the main reasons for the
world being ruled by human beings. We are now suffering from a
virtual information diarrhoea where everyone is bombarded with
messages. Hence, what is exchanged as a message in the social
media, can have a very big influence within a short time. That is the
reason as to why a person must exercise social responsibility while
creating or forwarding a message. This is more so when the person
concerned, by virtue of his position, can really influence the minds of
the general public. A message sent/forwarded becomes a permanent
evidence and it is almost impossible to wriggle out of the consequence
that falls out by sending or forwarding a message
11. Considering the stature of the petitioner, he is expected to
be more responsible while giving statements or forwarding messages.
The petitioner himself had admitted that he has nearly 5000 followers
for his facebook account. This means that the messages that are sent/
forwarded by the petitioner will multiply, if those followers, in turn,
Crl.O.P.(MD) No.11494 of 2018
etc. cases
keep forwarding those messages to others.
12. The stature of a person is directly proportional to what he
communicates to the society and its consequences. Therefore, an
information or a message sent by a normal citizen and the same
information/message sent by a person with a stature having followers
has a lot of difference. In the former, such message or information
may not have an impact on the society. However, when it comes from
a person with stature, its repercussions will be higher. In view of the
same, such a person carries a lot of responsibility in what he says and
does considering the impact it will have on the society or a particular
group of persons, as the case may be.
13. Hence, a case of this nature cannot be decided by applying
the same yardstick to everyone. The more a person is popular in the
society, he also carries more responsibility in what he conveys to the
society. The petitioner, in the instant case, falls under the category of
a person of high stature with many followers and he ought to have
exercised more caution before forwarding the message from his
facebook account. If such a caution has been thrown to the winds and
as a result, it has had a very serious impact, the petitioner has to
necessarily face it and cannot try to run away from the consequences
by merely tendering an unconditional apology.