Deputation to United Nations and other organizations
31. Deputation to United Nations and other organizations 1/30/2019 CHAPTER 49/54 A Government servant who is deputed on foreign service to the United Nations `Secretariat or other United Nations' Bodies or the International Monetary Fund or the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, or the Asian Development Bank or the Commonwealth Secretariat or any other International organization and who becomes entitled for pensionary benefits from that Organization, may at his option, - (a) pay the pension contributions in respect of his foreign service and count such service as qualifying for pension under these rules ; or (b) avail the retirement benefits admissible under the rules of the aforesaid organization and not count such service as qualifying for pension under these rules : Provided that where a Government servant opts for Clause (b), retirement benefits shall be payable to him in India in rupees from such date and in such manner as the Government may, by order, specify : Provided further that pension contributions, if any, paid by the Government servant, shall be refunded to him". *Substituted vide G.S.R. No.928(E), G.I Deptt. of P&PW Notification No.38/80/2012 dated 21st December, 2012