Provisional pension to be paid by Head of Office in the absence of intimation from Accounts Officer.
3) Provisional pension to be paid by Head of Office in the absence of intimation from Accounts Officer. - 1. The CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the corresponding rules applicable to All India Services Officers, Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees provide for advance action to be taken by the Heads of Offices and the Audit/Accounts Officers to ensure that the amount of pension and gratuity due to a retired Government employee is assessed well in time and the Pension Payment Order issued not later than one month in advance of the date of retirement. In cases where pension and gratuity cannot be settled as contemplated above, the Rules provide for the 1/30/2019 CHAPTER VIII 25/58 payment of provisional pension and provisional gratuity [e.g., Rule 64 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972]. If the Head of Office is of the opinion that the Government servant is likely to retire before his pension or gratuity or both can be finally assessed and settled in accordance with the relevant rules, he shall take expeditious steps to sanction up to 100 % of pension as provisional pension and up to 100 % of gratuity as provisional gratuity, in accordance with the rules. 2. Representations have been made to the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension that provisional pension and provisional gratuity are not being sanctioned by the Heads of Offices as provided for in the rules. This is causing a great deal of avoidable hardship to retiring employees. 3. Government have taken a serious view of these complaints that the provisions of the statutory rules are not being observed. Heads of Offices are advised to ensure that there is no occasion for complaints in future from the retiring employees and to follow the prescribed procedure in letter and spirit. Accountability in this regard will rest with the Head of the Office concerned. 4. If any Central Government employee, on retirement, is not sanctioned provisional pension and provisional gratuity, pending a final determination of his/her pension and issue of the Pension Payment Order, he/she may send a complaint to the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare for taking immediate action. The Government would like to ensure that retiring employees should on their retirement normally receive the final sanction of pensionary benefits. If delay in issuing a final Pension Payment Order is unavoidable, at least the benefits of provisional pension and provisional gratuity should be allowed as prescribed in the rules. 5. These instructions do no apply to cases falling under Rule 9 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and corresponding provisions in the rules applicable to All India Services Officers, Armed Forces Personnel and Railway employees, etc. [G.I., Dept. of P. & P.W., O.M. No. 38/9/87-P. & P.W., dated the 23rd January, 1987.]