The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds

The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds


In the Bible, Jesus tells a parable about a farmer who sows good seed in his field, but an enemy comes and sows weeds among the wheat. The farmer decides to let both grow together until the harvest, when he will separate the wheat from the weeds and burn the latter.


This parable illustrates the reality of the spiritual warfare that we face in this world. There is a constant struggle between good and evil, between God's kingdom and Satan's domain. The good seed represents the children of God, who are born again by the word of God and bear fruit for his glory. The weeds represent the children of the evil one, who are influenced by his lies and oppose God's will.


The enemy tries to destroy the good seed by planting weeds among them. These weeds can be false teachers, false doctrines, false religions, false morals, false values, false pleasures, false hopes, or anything else that distracts us from the truth and leads us astray. They can also be persecutors, oppressors, slanderers, or enemies who seek to harm us physically, emotionally, or spiritually.


But God is sovereign and he has a plan for his harvest. He allows the wheat and the weeds to grow together for a time, but he will not let them remain together forever. He knows who are his and who are not. He will send his angels to gather his elect and bring them into his barn, but he will also send his angels to gather the weeds and throw them into the fiery furnace.


This parable teaches us several lessons:


- We should not be surprised or discouraged by the presence of evil in this world. It is part of God's mysterious providence and he will use it for his glory and our good.

- We should not judge or condemn others based on their outward appearance or behavior. Only God knows the heart and he will judge with perfect justice and mercy.

- We should not try to uproot the weeds ourselves by force or violence. We may damage the wheat or mistake them for weeds. We should leave that task to God and his angels.

- We should focus on growing in grace and truth ourselves and bearing fruit for God's kingdom. We should also share the gospel with others and pray for their salvation.

- We should look forward to the day of harvest with hope and joy. We will be rewarded for our faithfulness and we will see God face to face. We will also be free from all evil and suffering forever.

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2023-04-08 06:21:55
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