Work to rule as a form of agitation

PUBLIC (S.S.) DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR MEMORANDUM No. 48063/SS1/75/PD. Dated, Trivandrum, 27th July, 1976 Sub:—Public Services—Strike and other forms of direct action by Government Employees—Work to rule as a form of agitation—Dealing with- - Clarification—Issued. Ref—Circular Memorandum No. 89782/SSI/72-2/PD dated 20-11-1972. A question has been raised as to whether the "Work to Rule" agitation resorted to by Government employees is a form of direct action attracting Rule 14-A, Kerala Service Rules, Part I. Government have examined the above question and are pleased to issue the following clarification. "Work to Rules" as a form of agitation is not harmless as it sounds. When there is a concerted and organised move under guise of 'Work to Rule" as part of an agitation in support of the demands of any section of Government Employees, which ultimately results in or tends to the slowing down of or impeding the reasonable efficient and speedy transaction of Government work and actual reffisal to attend to one's normal work even when specifically directed by superior officers, action may be taken against such employees under rule 86 of Kerala Government Servants' Conduct Rules, 1960 or such period may be treated as unauthorised absence under rUle 14A, Part I, Kerala S&rvice Rules, at the discretion of Government. ZACHARIA MATHEw, Special Secretary to Government.